Jodie, our founder and CMS (Chief Muud Scientist). Selfie taken on Oct. 12, 2021, age 63. No filters, no editing. Makeup? Of course!

Welcome to the home of Magic Muud! Whether you are new and “Muud-Curious” or have been Muudding with us for some time, we are glad to have you visit. Magic Muud was created to help address a myriad of skin problems from dry tight skin to sagging tired skin.

Natural Organic Skin Care for Down to Earth Bodies and Souls!

Every age brings it’s own challenges. In your 20’s, acne and oily skin can be an issue. In their thirties many people are just too short on time to take care of themselves. Jodie created Magic Muud in her early forties to reduce chemical exposure. She has refined the formula until it has reached it’s current level of creamy goodness. Now we make Muud Skin Care available to you!

Once you try Muud, you will LOVE it as much as we do! (You might even find yourself talking to random clerks, phone people, etc about this wonderful weird skin cream you’ve started using.)

Here you will find products to help you address many problems from your head to your teeniest tiny toe. (For instance, check out our page on Maskne, how to combat the effects of masking up!). We hope we can always offer advise and products to help your skin look healthy and deeply moisturized, with firm even skin tone. Our goal is to have all of our customers feel confident in every situation.

Magic Muud…Looks Like Mud, Works Like Magic!

Be sure to give some love to our VP in charge of Product testing Sherry Becker. She has shown willingness on many occasions to put her face on the line for better beauty. Magic Muud would never be as good as it is without her guidance over the years. Especially check out our Serums (Magic AM/PM) and Butter. Sherry was instrumental in creating these formulations. Friends since High School in the 70’s, Jodie and Sherry have a long history of cooking stuff up. Who would have thought they would be cooking face cream in their retirement!

Soon we will be offering a series of skin care videos hosted by our Chief Muud Scientist and Founder, Jodie, along with our newest hire, Emily Frink (we know, nepotism). Emily is a creative fun writer, and has contributed a great article on managing skin care as an overwhelmed 30-something Mom.

We hope to add lots of great information and articles, so check back with us now and then. In fact, why don’t you just go ahead and bookmark our page and Like us on your favorite social media platform. Go ahead…you know you want to!

We all hope you enjoy your Muud!!